The American Government should be ashamed of the mental health care we give our Veterans. The people who fight for our freedom and protect us have to go to the VA for mental health treatment. A lot of Veterans come back home with P.T.S.D and/or severe trauma. The VA is arguably the worst health care in America, we all read about and hear the horror stories the Veterans go through trying to get into the VA to see a mental health provider. I personally have taken calls from Veterans trying to get mental health treatment telling me the VA said they have a 3 month waiting list to see a mental health provider. They sometimes are willing to pay for treatment out of their own pocket. That is how much they want help from a mental health provider.
Meanwhile, Federal Employee’s enjoy Blue Cross & Blue Shield with a $20 co pay as their insurance carrier. With BCBS Federal Employee’s can see a mental health provider within a few days. There are a lot of excellent mental health providers who are in network with BCBS.  My question to the American Government is, why can’t our Veterans also have Blue Cross & Blue Shield insurance as well so they can get the help they need?
Our active duty Military Personnel have Tri Care insurance, which is a Government funded insurance company managed very much like the VA. Why can’t our active duty Military Personnel have Blue Cross & Blue Shield insurance as well?
This is not a political bash on the Democratic Party or Republican Party, just simply a question to our government. This practice of the American Government giving arguably the worse insurance and care in America to our Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel has been going on for decades.