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Sam DiFranco

Therapy for Anxiety At Star Point Counseling Center In Tampa Fl, And Brandon Fl.

The function of psychotherapy in Brandon Fl, and Tampa Fl, for anxiety is not just to restore calm but to endow people with the ability to regain control over themselves whenever worry threatens to overtake them. The patient gains an enduring portable skill that can serve on the darkest night, the highest cliff, or in front of the largest audience. But there’s more. There is an irreducible, overarching value of therapy in Brandon Fl, and Tampa Fl, that can never be calculated into a fee—the presence of the therapist him or herself. Yes, the therapist in Tampa Fl, and Brandon Fl, delivers the promise of a treatment that will help, but there’s more. As social creatures, we have nervous systems exquisitely attuned to the influence of others. The presence of another person, especially one whose acknowledged mission is to help, constitutes a powerful signal of safety directly and deeply countermanding the (mistaken) alarms of threat that define the disorder of anxiety.

How do therapists treat anxiety?

At the core of anxiety in Brandon Fl, and Tampa FL, is a mistaken appraisal of danger in which threats are exaggerated, triggering an array of negative feelings that overwhelm patients and lead to avoidant behavior. Therapists take aim at the three big components of anxiety—worry, physical arousal or edginess, and avoidance—by teaching one or more well-researched programs of skills that are custom-tailored to patients’ own worst thoughts.

Patients learn what kinds of thoughts and behaviors pitch them into anxiety, how their own beliefs and statements about themselves contribute to their disorder, and how their own imagination magnifies dangers they perceive. They also learn how to reduce the physical distress of anxiety in Brandon Fl, and Tampa Fl, and how to approach the situations that trigger their symptoms or general discomfort. Therapy is usually conducted in a series of 12 or more sessions usually lasting about an hour. Often, patients are given “homework” assignments of exercises to engage in and skills to practice between sessions. For example, patients may be asked to pay attention and note how many times that have specific types of thoughts. The assignments are tools for helping patients become skilled at controlling their own thinking.


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