Although you may think that spanking and physical punishment is the best discipline strategy, it is not very effective in changing your child’s behaviors. Parents who use spanking and physical punishment hope to decrease their child’s bad behavior, however, long-term use of physical punishment could actually lead to an increase in aggressive behavior in children.
Try these strategies for improving your child’s behaviors:
Positive reinforcement. Children benefit greatly from positive attention and praise of good or desired behaviors. For example, if your child tends to talk back and disobey use positive reinforcement and praise during the times that they obey and don’t talk back.
Consequences. Create rules and consequences for not following those rules, and ALWAYS enforce them. The more a child knows that they won’t get away with something, they are more likely to not engage in that behavior.
Accept feedback. Get feedback from the child when creating rewards and consequences. By asking the child you increase the likelihood that those consequences and rewards will be more motivating for them to change their behavior.
All of our Licensed Mental Health Counselors and Registered Mental Health Interns at Star Point Counseling Center have experience with children and can work with you and your children to decrease problem behaviors.
For more helpful parenting tips and suggestions or to schedule an appointment visit our website or give us a call! www.starpointcounselingtampa.com (813)244-1251