Poor mental and or physical health can diSrupt effective communication. Differences of opinion may lead to disagreements between friends or coworkers, and this can contribute to communication difficulties.
Where can communication problems derive from?
-cultural barriers -Trauma -Childhood stress -Stereotypes -Inaccurate assumptions
It is vital to discuss day to day issues with your significant other. Couples who take communication issues into consideration and work to improve or increase communication may find that having that window at the end of the day to express feelings, is helpful.

For someone who may want to improve their communication skills, try:
-Being an open listener
-Avoid speaking for others
-Avoid insulting or using condescending language
-Be very clear on emotions and thoughts
A therapist can help individuals examine communication strategies to determine whether one’s communication style adequately conveys one’s thoughts, needs, and goals. At Starpoint counseling center, we will help you find the cause of misunderstandings and work on improvements.