Pregnancy can be demanding on physical and mental health, but raising a child is a long-term commitment that a woman might feel she is not yet ready for. Those who feel they are not ready to become mothers may choose to have an abortion or give the child up for adoption, and while they may not ever want children, they may also wish to have them in the future, when they are better equipped to care for a child. If you are someone going through this, Star Point Counseling in Tampa, Fl & Brandon will help you with coping skills that may potentially aid in decision making

“Your body, your choice” is a phrase that doesn’t get around as much. However, Star Point Counseling Center offers a nonjudgmental environment. We understand that deciding what to do in the event of an unplanned pregnancy is a difficult choice for many, but all people have the right to unbiased and accurate information about their options, including abortion.
An individual who is considering abortion may not wish to or be unable to confide in friends or family, she may receive conflicting information from family members and clinics, or she may be unsure of her own feelings about abortion.