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  • Sam DiFranco

Why Wait? Seek Help Now.


Sometimes it’s not obvious to us that we need help, so we wait until we are experiencing paralyzing anxiety, a deep depression, full blown insomnia, or even contemplating self-harm. Many people wait years before seeking help from a professional, but why wait? seeking help early on means we can start the healing process sooner and begin to feel better. Admitting that we need help is not easy, it is human nature to want to avoid suffering or to try and escape it when it arises. We shove our feelings under the rug by living busy lives, we sometimes use drugs and alcohol to numb our feelings, and even dismiss our issues thinking they aren’t that bad. Even if admitting you need help is tough, in the long run therapy can help improve your well-being and life. Therapists help individuals better understand themselves, learn ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression, learn how to adapt to change, and live a more fulfilling life. 

If you find that some of these subtle signs relate to you, it may be time to seek help, don’t wait! 

Physical signs: Persistent headaches and stomach aches, trouble sleeping, change in appetite, change in weight.

Aggressive feelings or actions: Frequently angry or irritable, mood swings, kicking, hitting, throwing or breaking things.

Self-destructive behaviors: Using drugs, drinking, self-harm/injury, driving recklessly.

Negative thoughts and self-talk: “I’m not good enough” “I don’t deserve happiness and love” “What’s the point in trying?” 

The therapists at Star Point Counseling Center can help you work through any concerns you may be having. Don’t wait until it gets worse, seek our help now!

Call today to schedule an appointment and begin your healing process (813)244-1251

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