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What happens at couples therapy at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa Fl, and Brandon FL.

Sam DiFranco

Typically, couples counseling in Tampa Fl, and Brandon Fl, involves talking through relationship challenges as a couple with a neutral party (your therapist) who is trained to help you get to the bottom of the issue. The therapist at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa Fl, and Brandon Fl, will ask specific questions to help partners communicate in a healthier, more honest way, understand each other’s perspectives and feelings better, and develop new ways of approaching conflicts. They may also do guided counseling activities.

A good couples therapist in Tampa Fl, and Brandon Fl, teaches couples how to ask for what they want without causing the other person to shut down. A therapist knows how to help couples get to the real trouble [at the heart of the issue] and can teach skills or appropriate referrals to help them through it.

During her couples therapy sessions at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa Fl, and Brandon Fl, also teaches couples new relational skills, such as how to express desires as wants instead of criticisms. For example, you might learn to say, “I want you to be more affectionate and hold my hand” rather than “You never hold my hand.”

They also watches for issues like clinical depression, which might look like disappointment in your partner at the outset but is a clinical condition that needs to be treated.


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